Saturday, June 27, 2009

Little Rock

March 27, 2009.
Heifer International headquarters is in the background.

That dog is a male.

The William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library. It looks like a giant trailer parked next to the abandoned railroad tracks and the river. The grounds are pretty though.

Me and my Dad.

Me and Becky.

This is near the visitor's center at Pinnacle Mountain State Park.

The view from near the visitor's center.

The Arkansas River.

May 16, 2009.
Skunk enjoying her spot by the living room window.

May 17, 2009.
Brooke, Ben, and the back of Becky's head on the Big Dam Bridge.

The view of I-430 from the Big Dam Bridge.

The view towards Little Rock.


ben said...

that heifer building is ffffaaancyyy, how many more llamas could they have bought?

Patrick said...

Yeah, it's super nice. I'm especially jealous of all the sunlight throughout the building.