Saturday, November 03, 2007

America's Least Green States.

I just read this article and it ranked the "green-ness" of all the US states. The five at the bottom of the list are:

  • 45 - Kentucky
  • 46 - Mississippi
  • 47 - Louisiana
  • 48 - Alabama
  • 49 - Indiana
  • 50 - West Virginia

They are at the bottom of the list because they "all suffer from a mix of toxic waste, lots of pollution and consumption, and no clear plans to do anything about it." At the top of the list are:

  • 1 - Vermont
  • 2 - Oregon
  • 3 - Washington
  • 4 - Hawaii
  • 5 - Maryland

Michigan is near the middle at number 24. Why are Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana always at the bottom of every list? Do the people of these states just not care about anything?

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