Thursday, July 17, 2008

More Super-Nerdy Procrastination.

The best thing about role-playing games was always creating your character (Seraphim can back me up on this). They always had so much potential... until they were immediately killed by dysentery or a squirrel with a +1 Acorn of Bludgeoning. Well now has a similar online experience where you can create your own superhero.

Here's one I created:

Let the time wasting begin...


seraphim said...

TOTALLY back you up on this one bud! this is so awesome! thanks for the time-wasting chub! this is going to waste so much of my time! thank you thank you thank you! and watch out for those squirrelly muthas! acorns are dangerous!

a. brooke said...

i think that this is one of the coolest things i have ever seen! i'll let you know what i come up with

Patrick said...

I've been working on more heroes myself. I'll post them once they are done.